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Day Eleven

Michael James

I'm not sure whether I've turned a corner today, in that I'm not ball-achingly horny. I'm still aroused, edging, and bringing myself close to shooting, but between edging sessions, I'm not being so distracted by the urge to whip out my cock and blow a load of cum in the middle of doing whatever it is that I'm doing. I am assuming this is just part of the natural ebb and flow of emotions that happens normally - it's just more pronounced while I have been in a heightened sense of arousal these past few days.

But if it continues, if this is some kind of adjustment my body is making to cum-denial, and I'm not going to be so distracted (and potentially overwhelmed) by the desire to cum, then maybe I just might make it through to the end of the month without having to share any pics of myself.

I shall, of course, continue to share images of guys that have got my motor running - after all, that's an important part of my challenge, too - exposing myself to pornographic images and videos, watching athletic guys enjoy the pleasure their bodies give them right up to and past the point of explosion while I languish on the brink.

Like the guy I've used for today's post - naked, hands by his side, legs apart, and nervously waiting to be played with, knowing that he's not even allowed to touch his own cock without permission and so desperate to feel the pleasure that comes from having a hand - or mouth - sliding along his hard shaft. Knowing that he'll be teased for hours before even having his first chance to cum in weeks.

But I can't get too complacent - there's still a long way to go, and I have another weekend coming up, during which I'll have the most time to edge, which only increases the chance I'll lose control.


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