Day Twelve

A late one today, but I didn't want to skip a day's blog simply because I've been busy. If I have the discipline not to cum, I certainly should have the discipline to write a short article each day.
I thought I'd share today something I've noticed about how I've changed the way I edged this morning from normal. Normally, I focus on the head of my cock to build up to the edge quickly, then let go completely, allow the feeling to subside, and repeat.
This morning, however, I was much slower to build up to the edge, and much lighter and longer with my strokes once I was close, holding myself on the edge for longer in a much more drawn-out and languid session. I think I'm going to start experimenting with different strokes and techniques in my edging sessions - I don't, for example, focus much on the top-side of my shaft, preferring to draw my hand up the underside of my cock and digging the heel of my hand into the head, grinding it against my stomach as my other hand reaches down to tease my balls or stroke my chest and nipples. If I'm getting close, I'll take my cock in my fist and pump it, with my thumb flicking across the head with each stroke - that'll probably get me to the edge the fastest.
So tomorrow morning, I'll set my alarm for 6 a.m., and see how I get on with a more languid approach to edging before getting up at 7:30. Let's just hope I don't get carried away!