Day Four

I pretty much do the same thing in the morning when my alarm goes off - one hand reaches for my phone and my other hand reaches for my cock. This morning I was rock hard - not just "morning wood" hard, but swollen, throbbing, desperate, and super-sensitive hard. The kind of hard that makes you wonder if you'll ever go soft. The kind of hard where every stroke feels fucking awesome and each stroke doesn't just stimulate your cock, but radiates pleasure into your balls, your stomach, and all through your groin. And the slicker my cock got with pre-cum, the better it felt and the more I wanted to continue. So I got close this morning - reeeeeeealy close. My whole body was tense for almost the entire edging session and it was only because my calf muscle cramped that I snapped out of it in time.
My whole body wanted me to cum this morning and I nearly let it.
So day 4 and I feel exactly how I hoped I'd feel - crazy horny but still in control. Just. And that's exactly how I like it. I'm off out after work tonight, so I might not get a chance to edge again this evening, which is probably for the best, as who knows if I'd be able to hold back while I'm this horny?