Day Fourteen

I work out a lot - I like how workouts make me feel and I like how my workouts make me look. During this month, they've had the extra benefit of distracting me from wanting to wank - I can't grab my cock if my hands are already full of dumbbells, right?
But today has been a rest day and I can't stop thinking about the porn I was watching at the weekend. If my muscles aren't crying out to be filled with blood, I think you can guess where it's going instead. And now I'm wondering whether edging is enough anymore. It still feels amazing, and I love when I get to that point where I have to hold my breath, tightly clench every muscle in my body, and be completely still as so much as a single stray thought or stray touch will bring me over the edge. But have I reached a point of "maximum anticipation"? If I edge any more, will it actually add to the intensity or pleasure of release or are two weeks enough?
I guess the only way to know would be to continue to tease, edge, and deny myself until the end of the month, shoot my load, then perform another two weeks of abstinence before my next load and try to decide which release felt better (or whether they were the same). But how can I objectively rate orgasms two weeks apart? How can I be objective about something that is going to feel so overwhelmingly awesome?
So I don't think I'll be doing that - I suspect once I stop denying myself release, it'll be back to cumming once every 2-3 days. I don't want to say back to cumming every day because there really is something special about a load you anticipate releasing over a period of days, and one of the reasons for this challenge is to reset the habit of cumming every day just because I can.